
Tail Wagger Times

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back to School Blues for Pets

For many families, going back to school is a rough transition--even more so for parents facing empty nest syndrome. But few realize the effect school has on the family pets. MSNBC has highlight this issue in the article, "Battling back-to-school sadness for pets."

Research shows that at least 1 in every 6 dogs could show signs of separation anxiety. Not only are their lives suddenly slower paced, but the end of a fun filled summer means a decrease in the affection many pets feed off of. This could be especially true when a dog's best friend heads off to college and out of their daily lives.

According to the article, symptoms include decreased appetite, increased indoor accidents and uncharacteristic whining or destructive behavior. Even cats could exhibit some of these symptoms, they are also prone to excessive self grooming.

For treatment options, read the full article here. 

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