
Tail Wagger Times

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Packaging Your Blades For Shippment

     One of the questions we're most frequently asked is, "How do I ship my blades to you?"  While they need enough packaging to ensure safe intact delivery, you don't want so much as to weigh it down and cost a ton for shipping. Here is what we've found to the be the best (and worse) packaging practices.

  Frank Rowe and Son Presents:
The Do's and Don'ts of Packaging Your Blades
  • DON'T put all your scissors and blades into the same box/bag without cushioning. If they're loose, they will crash into one another and probably break some teeth.
  • DO wrap each blade/shear individually. We've found wrapping them in newspaper, paper towels or plastic shopping bags is a sturdy and light weight alternative to purchasing bubble wrap. Also, if there is empty space in the box, stuff it with paper, plastic shopping bags, etc.

Luckily, everything was still inside!
  • DON'T ship your blades/scissors in a simple letter envelope. They will  break through the envelope and get lost in the Post Office system for a week or two. (Trust us on this one.)
  • DO stop by the Post Office to pick up a FREE mailing box! Add postage and insurance if desired. Bubble-mailers are another great shipper. These envelopes are sturdier and have bubble wrap inside for additional protection. Which ever one you chose, be sure to seal off the weak spots with tape!

  • DON'T assume your name and return address on the box will suffice. The package can be damaged in transit and your information may be missing. 
  • DO include a Customer Shipping Form. (Click here to view the printable PDF,)  Printer not working so well? Throw in a paper with the following info:
    • Name (Contact name and company name)
    • Phone Number
    • Billing and Shipping Address
    • Payment Info (if using credit card, include number, expiration date and 3 digit security code)
    • List what you're sending us (ex. 3 Arco blades, 2 scissors, 1 AGC Super 2 Speed)
    • Tell us what you'd like done and if there are any particular issues with your equipment. ( ex. Andis # 7 blade is dragging and AGC Super 2 Speed is running hot!)
    • Optional:
      • If you'd like to be called with a repair estimate before we proceed with repair, please let us know. Without a call request, we will go ahead with the repair, as long as it is reasonable. Any repair that is not cost effective will be called before repair is performed.
      • If you'd like insurance on your return package, please state the amount. USPS and UPS will only replace missing items if they are insured.

For more information on our order process, see our FAQ Pageemail us, or call us (717) 533-4426

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